Name and explain two laws or legislation that protects citizens against gender-based violence in our country

Name and explain two laws or legislation that protects citizens against gender-based violence in our country

In order to provide specific laws or legislation that protect citizens against gender-based violence, I would need to know the country you are referring to. Laws and legislation vary from one country to another. However, I can provide some examples of laws that are commonly found in many countries to address gender-based violence:

1. Domestic Violence Laws: Many countries have enacted laws specifically targeting domestic violence, which includes violence or abuse that occurs within intimate relationships or households. These laws typically provide legal protection and support for victims, as well as criminal penalties for perpetrators. They often include provisions for restraining orders, emergency protection orders, and access to shelters and support services.

2. Sexual Harassment Laws: Sexual harassment laws are designed to protect individuals from unwanted sexual advances, comments, or conduct in various settings such as the workplace, educational institutions, or public spaces. These laws define sexual harassment, establish procedures for reporting and investigating complaints, and outline potential legal consequences for offenders. They aim to create safer environments and promote gender equality.

It's important to note that the specific provisions and names of laws may differ from country to country. I recommend researching the laws and legislation related to gender-based violence in your specific country to obtain accurate and up-to-date information.

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